[nycphp-talk] validating proper name capitalization

justin justin at
Fri Sep 23 10:41:46 EDT 2011

You might be better off enumerating "goodness"...

        ([A-Z][a-z]+)+                # first name, consisting of any
number of AbAbc, handles "LaDawn"
        (                             # middle name (optional)
            [A-Z]                     # at the very least, has a capital letter
                \.                    # ends with either a dot
                |                     # ... or ...
                [a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]+)?  # the rest of a name
            )?                        # but again, that's totally optional
        ([A-Z][a-z]+)+                # and a last name, following the
same convention as the first (McGraw)

-- justin

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 6:54 AM, David Mintz <david at> wrote:
> I'm trying to require users to input proper names with capitalization that
> conforms to convention. So, you can't go e. e. cummings on me, and you can't
> be JOHN SOMEBODY either. And you can't have your caps lock on and enter jOHN
> sOMEBODY. That much is pretty easy, but I am finding the more subtle cases
> pretty hard.
> So far, I have
>         /\b[a-z][A-Z]+|\b[A-Z]{2,}+|^[a-z ]+$/
> to test against (false is good). This works on all the cases I have tested
> except "cuMmings," which gets by. But I am thinking, maybe enough is enough;
> you can't control everything.
> Just wondering if anyone has tackled this before or has any thoughts.


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