[nycphp-talk] Making Startups Work: Scaling Survival Stories

Jorge Lopez jorge at
Thu Sep 29 14:19:20 EDT 2011

We're (Refinery29) are hosting a set of presentations about scaling at our
offices on Tuesday.

Check it out:

Work at a tech startup? Wondering how you're going to scale to handle
millions of users and still stay online?

Hear the engineers behind some of the coolest NYC-area startups describe the
problems they ran into as their traffic boomed. Learn how various
engineering teams pin point and solve performance problems though the use of
hardware and software optimization, caching, database tweaks, and other
tricks of the trade.

If you're curious about what they do and what kinds of technical problems
they're solving, things they've learned, etc, come by Refinery29's new
offices on Tuesday the 4th to hear what's going on in the startup
community's most interesting up and coming startups.

Presentations by:

   - Thrillist <> - Michael Smith
   - Postling <> - Chris Maguire
   - Warby Parker <> - Ali Khan
   - Single Platform <> - James Linder
   - Refinery29 <> - Jorge Lopez
   - Tutor Spree <> - Paul deGrandis
   - Sailthru <> - Ian White

Jorge Lopez

VP of Engineering

30 Cooper Square, Floor 4,
New York, NY 10003
Office: 212-966-3112


  Mobile: 917-267-9130 <>   I
   I   Facebook <>
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