[nycphp-talk] Fedex Server Telnet

Nicholas Hart pelhamny at
Sun Aug 19 10:13:57 EDT 2012


I am trying to write a PHP front end for the Fedex Server which uses telnet
to send/receive shipping data.  I am hoping that someone has already done
this and can tell me how to send/receive this telnet data in PHP as I am
having some trouble with it.  The string of data is made up of numeric
'options' and a quoted value pairs.

String data format:
Send:  0,"020"1,"119999"4,"Jon Doe"....  ,"01"99,""
Recv:  0,"120"1,"119999"10,"232593318"...  ,"00"99,""

The strings always start with 0,  and end with  99,""

Any suggestions welcome.  Many thanks.

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