[nycphp-talk] Compiling PHP 5+

Anthony Papillion papillion at
Wed Feb 29 16:41:04 EST 2012

 Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 3:01 PM, Charles Vasquez <cvasquez39 at> wrote:
> what is hip hop? When you speak about compiling do you mean creating a
> windows dll or something? I am new to this type of speak, not new to php,
> but the php community. I practice php for personal purposes.

Hi Charles,

Hip Hop is a technology developed by Facebook. It basically takes PHP
source code and rewrites it as highly optimized C++ code (or maybe
just C, I can't remember). It makes the code run faster and scale
better for them.

But by compiling, I mean creating a Windows executable. A program you
can run directly without having to have the language interpreter on
your machine. So I could write PHP code, compile it to a Windows
executable and distribute that .exe file which people could run
directly on their machines without having to have PHP installed. While
a DLL is something pretty similar and is compiled, it's not quite the
same thing. DLL's are more libraries of functions that programs can
use while a program executable is the program itself.

That's probably clear as mud, I'm sure. I suck at explaining things.


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