[nycphp-talk] Learning to program the right way

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Tue Jan 24 11:46:03 EST 2012

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:

> On 1/23/2012 10:52 PM, Froilan Cajayon Mendoza wrote:
>> Gary,
>> I think the key to programming the right away is to understand the logic
>> and structure of solving the problem the right way.  This is where
>> algorithms and data/programming structures come into play.
Personally, I think that at some point in college the following should be
taught to CompSci, MIS/IT, Engineering and Finance majors:
* How to code
* How to use source control (presented to IT in a way that covers devops,
storing config files, and how sharepoint and wiki's work)

I do think they need to be taught in isolation. I do think that CompSci
majors should understand unit testing, and that unit testing frameworks are
good for engineering and finance. If you've ever seen anyone use a unit
testing framework to show their code demo's, you'd see what I mean.

I think its a problem that we don't teach revision control in school. I
think that it should be taught early enough in the curriculum that you'd
learn it even if you just go for an associates degree. I don't think it
should happen in the same class as when you learn what a for loop is.

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