[nycphp-talk] Learning to program the right way

David Mintz david at
Fri Jan 27 09:34:03 EST 2012

Debugging has scarcely been mentioned in this thread. Perhaps the proposed
"Right Way" syllabus should include how to debug right along with unit
testing and version control, since these three are related tools/skills.

There might be a sort of middle way where you introduce coding first, and
then as soon as the project becomes even moderately complex, get into how
to fix the bug you just introduced; how you might have avoided it in the
first place, with unit testing; and how you could have rolled back, with
version control.

As a perpetual wannabe (day job that is formally not IT-related, but
self-appointed self-taught coder and general-purpose geek for our federal
court interpreters' office), I have stumbled and fumbled and learned the
hard way for years. One thing I still haven't taken the time to master is
proper use of a debugger, so I still rely too heavily on friends like echo
and print_r(). I could use a good tutorial or online course in that.

David Mintz
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