[nycphp-talk] Learning to program the right way

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Jan 27 11:14:07 EST 2012

On 1/27/2012 9:34 AM, David Mintz wrote:
> Debugging has scarcely been mentioned in this thread. Perhaps the 
> proposed "Right Way" syllabus should include how to debug right along 
> with unit testing and version control, since these three are related 
> tools/skills.

I am especially weak on debugging - as such I'd tend to make that a 
later chapter where I can cover the different ways to debug and pluses 
and minuses.

I still tend towards "echo...." to debug because it's fast and easy.  A 
level up from that is still using manually inserted print statements, 
but sending them to a firebug console instead[so it doesn't mess up the 
page].  Then there is using debug_backtrace to actually grab some 
detailed line info.   And of xdebug which I have setup and used, but it 
always seems lengthier than echo to use..probably due to not practicing 
with it[which right there indicates that I SHOULD include a full lesson 
on xdebug because having to write it will help me to clarify it...and 
then after I publish it for all the world to see, I'm sure the kind 
folks from NYPHP will tell me all the things I'm doing wrong. :-)]

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