[nycphp-talk] Which deployment apps are you using?

Darryle Steplight dsteplight at
Fri Jun 1 12:35:03 EDT 2012

@Chris- At the very least, everyone should probably be using some sort
of version control and SSH. If I have a choice I would prefer to use
git though even though I'm stuck using SVN for a few projects I'm
working on.

@Rob -  That looks like some solid info and methods. I haven't used
APC before but I definitely see where it can come in handy. I always
wonder how Facebook did it too. Thanks for the info.

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Rob Marscher
<rmarscher at> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Darryle Steplight <dsteplight at> wrote:
>>>    I just heard of Capistrano, but in the past I've used Ant when I
>>> was using Eclipse for my IDE and working with JSP back in 07. What are
>>> the best deployment softwares for PHP? Which ones are the easiest to
>>> get up and running quickly? Which do you prefer to use at the job?
> I'm using a hand-rolled method that uses parallel-ssh to simultaneously update servers, combined with custom php code for handling migrations, and git tags for managing releases and allowing to roll back (assuming there aren't major migrations that would prevent roll back).
> Facebook puts conditional checks all over their code for different features.  Enabled features are cached in APC.  They have a private url/api for enabling/disabling features by updating the APC cache keys.  That way they can roll out code changes without it actually going live and the test features in production selectively on certain servers.
> Here's how Etsy does it:
> Here's a php based deploy method created by Rasmus:
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