[nycphp-talk] Hacker Anonymous (Hack Social II)

Federico Ulfo rainelemental at
Tue Jun 12 16:18:13 EDT 2012

I have scheduled a new Hack
Social<> event
for Monday 18, at 6.30 at

The subject it will be: Agile and Continuous Delivery. We'll use the
projector to show how to install Jenkins, Phing, Git, phpcs, phpcpd,
phpDepend, phpmd, phpunit. If you guys have experience with one or more of
those tools, you are welcome to join us to show how to install and use them.

Yesterday was very fun, so for who wasn't there, here's explained what is
Hack Social:

> The startup vibe in New York is hypo, there are hundreds of tech events.
> I've been going in ALL of them (seriously) and I met fellows of any type,
> VC and mostly entrepreneurs, Ruby, Python, Earlang, C, Java and Javascript
> developers, but ... Hey where the hell are all the PHP developers?!? Well,
> the question is pretty simple, we are all busy working, and that's good
> right!?!
> The only meetups where I've found PHP developers are the PHP and MySql
> meetups, but you may agree with me, they are about some dude that talks for
> an hour about something boring, and after that you don't have much time to
> connect with the other developers.
> I start to feel the needs to get in touch with other PHP fellows to share
> work experience about services, servers and tools but especially to hack
> them together. So I've contacted Hans... and that's how Hack Social born!

Thanks to Andrew for teaching us how to use and configure jMeter, and
thanks to all the other fellows for participating.

See you soon.
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