[nycphp-talk] Are Singletons Really Evil?

federico ulfo rainelemental at
Mon Mar 19 12:39:07 EDT 2012

Well, I've been using singleton for years, they do what they're supposed to
do, make a class object "global", so that you save memory and make the call
faster. Singleton/Multiton are not the best solution to make unit testable
code and extendible. Dependency Injection dolce this problem, also creatina
a standard container class ZF2 and Symfony, are creating a sorta of plugin
interface, so that you can easily interchange the classes between the 2
framework. They're thought to standardize the coding to improve the  team
work. About performance, they're obviously slower, I spoke with Fabien
Potencier and he's convinced about improving performance at the application
layer with Varnish, Amazon etc., which I agree partially, because that is
the right way for big project, definitely not for small one, like a CMS for
everyone! So consider  to keep using Singleton/Multiton and even Static
Class when you need to!

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 19, 2012, at 12:15 PM, David Mintz <david at> wrote:

Speaking as less advanced developer than most of you, in my genuinely
humble opinion:  I hope this isn't off-topic, but I've been working with
Zend Framework 1 since it was in diapers. It had a learning curve and
seemed a bit heavy but I felt it was worth it in my situation. Now comes
ZF2, and as I start reading and learning about it, I can't help but wonder
if I really need Dependency Injection. I hadn't noticed that I was having
any problem managing my dependencies, thanks. There has been one case in my
project where different classes needed access to a model instance, and I
scratched my head for a while before deciding to use a singleton. This is
the first I've heard that the pattern is considered evil by anyone. As I
look at the ZF2 documentation, I'm like, wait a second. Is this not really,
really complicated? Worse, perhaps, than the disease it's intended to cure?

David Mintz
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