[nycphp-talk] Web and Mobile Video Codecs

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Thu May 3 11:05:12 EDT 2012

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 7:35 AM, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:
> That change is already done in the mobile
> area, there you mainly find only fat clients. Even popular 'cloud' services
> require you to download a client app.

How many of those fat clients are just wrappers around an HTML5 app?
Phonegap gets a lot of love for making that possible in a
cross-platform way.

Be as pessimistic as you like about HTML5, but the reality is that it
is already possible to use it to create full-featured and powerful RIA
and cloud apps. It's just much easier to market and sell those apps to
the masses when you take the extra step of converting them to native
apps for listing in the various vendor app stores.

And for the vast majority of apps, which will never sell (think
corporate and/or free as in freedom), you never even need to think
about native, because HTML5 is already native to every device you care
about. It already has a wider installed base than Flash or Silverlight
could ever hope for!

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