[nycphp-talk] Web browser quality

Hans Zaunere bulk at
Fri May 11 16:02:57 EDT 2012

> Firefox is probably one of the better browser out there still.  If you
> are experiencing crashes, this most likely indicates corrupted profile -
> - this occurs often during upgrades, but there many factor why it would
> go corrupt.  Try creating a new profile and see how this affects it.

That's not a bad idea - though it still seems as though it's broken
functionality (recently) with how it handle form reposts.  Anyone seeing

> > So, in a mix of rant-and-feedback-gathering - is it just me, or have
> > browsers largely gone downhill in the last few months?
> Big picture, things are great -- html5 / css3 support, much better
> cross-browser rendering than we've ever had, developer tools in
> consumer builds.

I suppose, but at the same time it feels that the front-end functionality is
bloating the browsers beyond the basics... we're all still talking HTTP
here, folks - and for server-side development, it of the utmost importance.

Maybe the developer tools in consumer builds is part of the problem.
Browsers are trying to do too many things, and supporting too many different
types of web developers.

Where's the "developer's browser" or more specifically, the server-side
developer's browser... maybe we should recommend that to the "big three" :)
Or maybe there's a magic-soup of settings that can be applied to these
browsers to turn off all the consumer stuff?


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