[nycphp-talk] EC2 vs Rackspace Cloud WAS: What Distro?

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Fri May 18 19:51:53 EDT 2012

> So I've been in search for that sweet spot - somewhere in the middle,
> cheap, yet functional.  I've been playing with Rackspace instances (the
> smallest one) and while the storage and RAM is of course small, the CPU
> doesn't seem as cut-down as with EC2 micro.  I can compile normally, etc.
> So while the jury is still out, I'm liking Rackspace so far for these
> sites/instances.  Anyone have similar experiences or thoughts?

Have your tried a SoftLayer cloud instance?  I use a mix of dedicated
machines and cloud instances and I am pretty happy.  In one implementation,
I am running a 1 core 2ghz + 2gb ram with CentOs 6.0 for a relatively light
traffic site and I have been very happy with it.  I am paying $61/month.  If
I am compiling stuff and I want some horse power I add cores and memory.
When I am done, I dial the horse power back and go into production.  This is
after 7 years of using dedicated rack mounted boxes.  The only bummer is
that to add cores or ram requires taking the instance off line for a reboot.


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