[nycphp-talk] EC2 vs Rackspace Cloud WAS: What Distro?

Matt Juszczak matt at
Sat May 19 02:00:37 EDT 2012


I feel I really need to correct a lot of the discrepancies going on here. 

This post is a little dated, but I wrote it about a year ago and most still holds true:

Rackspace runs their own infrastructure, even on their cloud platform. They only use Akamai for their CDN technology. Cloud Files is already OpenStack, and Cloud Servers is the same platform Slicehost used before being acquired (which is being phased out in favor of OpenStack across the board). Data centers are dfw1/2 and ord, primarily. All owned by Rackspace. 

Under the hood, the servers (unlike ec2) are built for stability, as Rackspace Cloud targets more traditional types of customers. Their instances are not designed to die, and while Rackspace will not back up instances automatically, they will replace failing hardware. Launching a random ec2 instance at Amazon is always scary, as you're likely to lose it within a year, unless it's EBS backed. I'm a very big fan of Amazon, no doubt, but only when solutions are architected for it correctly. 

As for cost, a Rackspace Cloud small is around $10/mo. It doubles from there (20, 40, 80, 160 , 320, 640, 1100 ish). Bandwidth is around 18 cents/gig. If you launch a single, 1 GB instance, you'll have 1 GB RAM, and at *minimum* a guaranteed slice of the CPU and I/O. Unlike other providers, Rackspace *will* let you burst. Launch a couple 1 GB instances, and then launch one 16 GB instance, run setiathome for a bit on all instances, and see which option is more cost effective :) I have some graphs from tests I've done if anyone is interested. 

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Federico Ulfo <rainelemental at>
Sender: talk-bounces at lists.nyphp.orgDate: Sat, 19 May 2012 01:49:02 
To: NYPHP Talk<talk at>
Reply-To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] EC2 vs Rackspace Cloud WAS: What Distro?

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