[nycphp-talk] EC2 vs Rackspace Cloud WAS: What Distro?

Darryle Steplight dsteplight at
Tue May 22 11:36:34 EDT 2012

I never thought about that Chris. Good point.

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Chris Snyder <chsnyder at> wrote:
> On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 2:27 AM, Federico Ulfo <rainelemental at> wrote:
>> Matt thanks for point that out, with your correction now I feel even more
>> happy to have choose Rackspace for my project.
>> I found funny that both AWS and RS didn't fix many of the issues you listed
>> in your article one year ago!
> A little late on this thread, but another problem with EC2 is that
> Amazon, because of its massive consumer retail operation and global
> profile, is a much bigger and juicier target for attackers than
> Rackspace or Linode.
> I have never liked the idea that I order books and shoes with the same
> user account that has control of my servers. Of course you can and
> should create a separate account just for AWS admin, but you can't
> limit an account to *only* AWS access, so the attack surface is much
> larger than it should be.
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