[nycphp-talk] What PHP tools are you using?

Bruce Martin bmartin at
Wed May 30 06:12:27 EDT 2012

I use Komodo Edit. At work they use(d) DreamWeaver when I started. Most of the code they write is ColdFusion, so adobe being Adobe made syntax highlighting for ColdFusion in DreamWeaver. However for PHP it has to be one of the worst. So I set out looking for a replacement. Normally I would have used BbEdit, or Xcode, but I wasn't on a Mac. I looked at a few and found Komodo to fit my needs the best. It lets me create projects out of any language or framework and the IDE is extendable. Since using Komodo Edit at work I have converted 2 others, both use ColdFusion, and I am now using it on a Mac at work. On the PC you can extend it via a plugin that adds subversion, or on the Mac I added subversion via command line to some GUI buttons and dialogs. 

Bruce Martin

On May 29, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Federico Ulfo <rainelemental at> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> what tools do you use to develop in PHP? Are you using Jenkins with all the fancy plugins? And what about the IDE?
> I'm installing Jenkins PHP (finally) and as editor I'm using Netbeans 7.2.1 on OSX with PHPUnit plugin, I've also tried to install Code Sniffer and Mess Detector plugins but with no success (so if you know how, please let me know). 
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