[nycphp-talk] CentOS v Ubuntu

Jesse Callaway bonsaime at
Tue Jul 16 11:03:45 EDT 2013

They're all terrible. Just handle process priority, memory management, and
open some sockets when asked. For the rest... stay out of the way. For
god's sake don't try to maintain a "system" java that symlinks to the
flavor of the month. Don't provide shared libraries. Don't provide printing
services. Don't even install cron.

Just as the BIOS is a thin layer which is just meant to provide a uniform
interface to the hardware should be the OS to higher level memory, storage,
and network resources.

This is too extreme a position to take, but it's the tendency I lean
towards in reaction to the overloading of crap which is inevitable in OS's
that maintain both a desktop and server userbase. It's the unfortunate
reality that we really MUST have desktop users in order to find all of the
bugs and get enough of an audience to provide constant development... so I
know I'm preaching to an impossible end.... if any end at all.


On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 1:15 PM, leam hall <leamhall at> wrote:
>> Easier to find stuff that works on RH/CentOS than Ubuntu. 95% of US Linux
>> deployments, give or take, are Red Hat.
>> Ubuntu has a place, just not in the data center. Yet, anyway. They seem
>> to be working on that.
> I find it depends on what it is your running and how willing you are to
> compile programs from scratch.
> I've consistently found the CentOS PHP package to be badly out of date,
> which initially led me to using Ubuntu.   However, just one package is not
> a good reason to switch, as it is not that hard to compile it from scratch.
> However, in the past when dealing with image processing and website
> processing, I found so many packages downlevel that I ended up sticking
> with Ubuntu.
> Imagemagick was a big one where Ubuntu was preferable...especially if you
> want to do liquid rescaling[though perhaps CentOS has caught up?]
> wkhtmltopdf was a major pain in that even when I compiled it from source,
> it had a lot of dependencies on various software package versions which led
> me down a rabbit hole of compiling packages.
> Postfix is another package where Ubuntu simply has the edge if you want to
> play with the some of the more recent features.
> At the same time though, the security benefits of CentOS are large - so it
> can be better to deploy a mixed environment - use Ubuntu for development
> and as specific process services[ie ship all your image processing off to a
> Ubuntu box only reachable from the web servers] and use CentOS for
> deployment.  When you run into version dependencies going from dev to
> production, you can make a case by case decision on whether to compile
> everything you need or use web services and export that function to a
> Ubuntu box.
> As an independent developer, I use Ubuntu as my preference as it saves me
> time when dealing with later features.
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