[nycphp-talk] Semi-OT: Is there a scale for language competency?

leam hall leamhall at
Fri Jul 26 09:24:52 EDT 2013

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Daniel Krook <krook at> wrote:

> Hi Leam,
> What about setting up a public GitHub repository with sample code to refer
> potential clients too? They can see your code quality, competence with
> source control, and passion for programming.

Hehe...I have a project on SourceForge ( and a couple on GitHub ( Considering they are "warts and all", that
might be why I haven't gotten any programming job offers.  :)

Having projects is great for the team interview but not as good for
evaluating the job notes or getting past HR. And sort of difficult to get
feedback so that I can grow. Contributing to mature or larger projects
seems difficult as it presupposes more skill and a deeper understanding of
that particular project.

For example, I really enjoy PHP but my day job doesn't use it. So I find
myself pulled towards Bash on a daily basis and secretly trying to figure
out how to convert it to something better.


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