[nycphp-talk] Recycle Out Dated PHP Books

David Krings ramons at
Mon Jun 10 10:55:08 EDT 2013

On 6/10/2013 6:46 AM, Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> I have a stack of outdated PHP, Flash and other computer books (before
> Kindle). I once tried to sell old computer books to a used book store and they
> said no thanks would not take them even for free as they cannot sell them. Is
> there a way to recycle old out dated PHP computer books?


Recycle as in not throw in the trash recycling? My first choice is always 
Freecycle (pack it in a bag and leave it outside the front door for easy 
pickup). If that fails I try Craigslist (although that appears to be more and 
more pointless) and that fails it is the waste paper bucket for curbside 
collection - yes, sad, but better there than in a landfill.
Most book stores won't take anything that is older than three years.


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