[nycphp-talk] CentOS v Ubuntu

Hans Z zaunere at
Wed Jun 19 14:43:52 EDT 2013

> I am having a debate in our office over whether to continue with CentOS
> distro for use with our VM based servers (XEN) or switch to Ubuntu.  I have
> kept the belief that RedHat is better for servers while Ubuntu is preferred
> on the desktop.  I even have an Ubuntu desktop PC.  Just wondered what all
> of you think or recommend.  Thanks.

I'm always in favor of CentOS.  Nothing particularly against Ubuntu/Debian,
but I just don't have any reason to switch to the newest trendy thing.
 Sort of like moving from svn to git :)

Here are some docs - mostly for CentOS but a lot of things could be applied
to any system, cloud, etc:

Of course, all system setup disclaimers apply :)

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