[nycphp-talk] GIT! (was: CentOS v Ubuntu)

Anirudhsinh Zala arzala at
Sun Jun 23 00:38:25 EDT 2013

In open-source world, there are hardly any compelling reasons to switch
from 1 technology to another. :-)

General rule of thumb is "Go with what you are best at."


Anirudhsinh Zala
On Jun 22, 2013 9:56 PM, "David Roth" <davidalanroth at> wrote:

> I agree with Hans.
> I've never wanted to be one of those people who over the years refused to
> adapt to something new. But the reality is that it has to really be an
> improvement, not just new to justify the change.
> David Roth
> On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Hans Z <zaunere at> wrote:
>> Hey Dan,
>> On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Daniel Convissor <
>> danielc at> wrote:
>>> Hi Hans:
>>> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 02:43:52PM -0400, Hans Z wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I'm always in favor of CentOS.  Nothing particularly against
>>> Ubuntu/Debian,
>>> > but I just don't have any reason to switch to the newest trendy thing.
>>> >  Sort of like moving from svn to git :)
>>> Well, then.  That's one more vote for Ubuntu/Debian in my book. :)
>>> Git (and distributed version control in general) is _so_ much better
>>> than SVN.  Using Git for the past 2.5 years has improved my quality of
>>> life.  I just started working at a company that's still using SVN
>>> (Hi, Jesse!).  It's deadening my soul.
>> Sorry, I see it as hype... after all, all source control is distributed :)
>> The ability to commit, branch, stash, et al, locally amazing.  Plus the
>>> ability to have local hooks and the things you can do on the server with
>>> hooks is mind blowing.  Here are two tools I use with Git:
>> Hmm, and how is this different from svn?  Inherit in source/version
>> control is the word "control" - why do I need X number of developers
>> sporting their own pseudo-repository that ends having to get merged back
>> centrally anyway?
>> For open source projects, sure, is the next generation
>> freshmeat/sourceforge.
>> But otherwise, for a general web development shop's projects, git is
>> nothing more than extra commands to run, more conflicts, more complexity,
>> and dealing with bugs that have been sorted out years ago (line endings and
>> content types! git, seriously?)
>> What baffles me, however, is that folks will also pay a public repository
>> (github) to keep their code private... guess it's that nice glossy user
>> interface :)
>> The sadness of going back to SVN inspired me to make this package:
>> I think this proves my point :)
>> Sorry, but the emperor has no clothes,
>> H
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