[nycphp-talk] [events] Open Tech NYC (March 30) + MongoDB NYC (June 21)

Meghan Gill meghan at
Sat Mar 9 12:43:41 EST 2013

Hi all -

I wanted to give you a heads up about two events that I thought the group
might be interested in:

On March 30 I am co-organized a conference called Open Tech NYC, which is
all about how open source is powering the NYC technology community. We have
an amazing lineup of speakers - see for
more info and registration details.

On June 21, 10gen is hosting MongoDB
the annual MongoDB conference in NYC. The conference has sold out the past
three years so I would book early if you are interested in attending. We're
also looking for speakers so if you are interested in sharing your
experiences with MongoDB feel free to submit a talk
proposal<>or contact me off-list
about getting involved as a speaker.

Hope to see some of you at these events!

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