[nycphp-talk] Semi-OT: Is there a scale for language competency?

Gary Mort garyamort at
Sun Sep 1 13:21:50 EDT 2013

On 8/20/2013 6:38 PM, Justin Dearing wrote:
> Can you provide a link to that study? I've never heard that, and my 
> gut says it's folk wisdom that "experts" use to justify their behaviour.

Unfortunately not offhand.  I read it on the internet so it must be 
true? :-)

Honestly though, I think I read about it in Pragmatic Thinking and 
Learning: Refactor Your Wetware, by Andy Hunt

It was a very interesting book with lots of little tidbits.  The most 
fun "new to me" fact was when he was....disparaging the idea of 
cube-farms.  He referenced a wide spread belief that we only have a set 
number of brain cells, they don't grow back.  I recall learning this 
back in school as part of all the anti-drinking classes[ie "alcohol 
kills brain cells and you don't grown any new ones!"]  This bit of 
wisdom is based on a decades old study of rats where it was found that 
they stopped growing new brain cells after adulthood. What had been 
overlooked was the environmental factors: ie these were rats kept in a 
sterile environment, no stimulation, nothing new, every day the same old 
same old[making the obvious analogy to cubicles and their sameness].   
Take those rats and give them changing environments and stimulation and 
low and behold, they do grow new brain cells.

Now, I'm not quite sure I'd buy into comparing working in a cubicle to 
being a rat in a lab, since you DO still have mental stimulation for the 
projects one works on.

Unfortunately my copy is at my brothers, so I can't look it up.

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