[nycphp-talk] Mysql tweaking

Gary Mort garyamort at
Sun Sep 1 13:34:42 EDT 2013

As a followup on my previous post, I'm curious if anyone here has some 
quick and easy mysql configuration mods for low memory?

The "out of the box" ubuntu install of mysql server used a hefty[:-)] 
256M of memory.   As a quick fix I disabled innodb completely and that 
dropped it down to more manageable 64M - but I'd really like to get it 
down to under 24M.

For the use case[running on a System on a Chip board] myisam is a better 
choice anyway - large numbers of concurrent connections are unlikely, 
and the need for row-level locking is practically non-existent.

For those that aren't familiar with the environment, the entire system 
has 512M of memory so using half of it for a sporadically utilized MySQL 
server is detrimental.   There is no traditional hard disk available, 
disk storage is provided by an SD card, which does not have very fast 
write times AND deleting and writing data is destructive to the long 
term lifespan of the card - just like with SSD drives.   Swapfiles do a 
lot of write/delete/write/delete to pull memory in and out of swap, so 
their use is discouraged.

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