[nycphp-talk] mysql configuration peculiarity: it reads /etc/mysql/*.cnf

David Mintz david at
Wed Sep 4 14:05:19 EDT 2013

I have been setting up replication where the master is
5.5.31-0+wheezy1-log, and after more hours of hair-pulling than I care to
think about, I think I've discovered what appears to be an undocumented
oddity. On startup, mysqld reads in any file in /etc/mysql whose name ends
in .cnf.  So, I had a as a backup as well as a my.cnf in
/etc/mysql/ and was wondering why my server-id kept being 2 when my
configuration setting in my.cnf was plainly 1. I moved away the other file
and restarted. Ding!

After some googling I have not found anything about this, at least not yet.
Tell me whether I'm crazy.

David Mintz
Human needs before private profit:
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