[nycphp-talk] printing orders to a printer

Matthew Kaufman mkfmncom at
Tue Sep 17 01:45:29 EDT 2013


I was in the middle of writing a reply and got distracted:   …….In my experience…….

Scenerio 1:  You have a NORMAL INKJET/LASER PRINTER?  Use CUPS/cupsd.  It is easy to configure and setup a simple method to send a document to a http or print spool over a network.  Just tunnel your document data that needs to be send to the printer via some type of tunnel @ port 631, and edit your cupsd.conf to let the authorized user that you create (probably not admin or root) to send that to the printer  spool.

Result: your receipt prints out.

also there should be docs at http://localhost:631/help, b) in /usr/share/doc/cups or within c) /etc/cups or on the project website.

Scenerio 2:  Your program/software is using a THERMAL PRINTER?  Access the device spec manual and figure out how to send the reciept data to the device and do so….

	(may include sdk, etc… or commonly (i'd venture to guess 90% of the time; over serial connection).

On Sep 16, 2013, at 9:32 PM, selyah <selyah1 at> wrote:

> Hi everyone:
> I am redesigning a website for a pizza shop and one of the criteria is to have the orders that are placed on the to be printed on a printer (or fax machine) when an order is placed.
> I understand that a printing protocol can be used, but wanted to know if there are any other ideas of ways of setting this up.
> I have never done something like this before and not sure how to approach it.
> thanks in advance
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