[nycphp-talk] Help With My Contact Centre Website

Tedd Sperling tedd.sperling at
Fri Sep 27 13:46:03 EDT 2013

On Sep 27, 2013, at 12:52 PM, Sasa Rakic - Gmail <rakics at> wrote:

> Modern frameworks do not close php tag <? In php file, so if you have normal code:
> Could you please elaborate why modern frameworks are omitting ?>

I won't debate the statement why "modern frameworks are omitting ?>"

What I will say that is that I've been writing PHP code for over a decade and teaching PHP at college level for several years and I have never encountered any problems with *me* coding using a closing tag. Other people report differently.

The OP asked a question as to the errors he received after the submission of a php form. Considering all, I submitted my recommendation. If my recommendation is followed, then I strongly suspect the problem will be resolved without having to omit "?>".



tedd sperling
tedd.sperling at

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