[nycphp-talk] Promote Secure Coding

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu May 22 10:26:29 EDT 2014

On 05/21/2014 02:32 PM, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
 > First off, I do $name = $_GET['name']. I filter when I know what's
 > going to happen with it (such as when it gets bound against a data
 > model).
But your not a novice programmer, so this doesn't apply to you. Though 
personally, I wouldn't do $name = $_GET['name'].  I'd use $name = 
filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'name', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW)

$_GET is fine when you are writing code for a specific platform where 
you know in advance what the configuration will be.

However, I'm seeing a lot of linux distro's have started set 
filter_default to FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING in their PHP install packages.

I prefer writing code which doesn't depend on specific php.ini 
directives in order to work.

 > Example: you're using filter_var with FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING. Do you
 > know what that *really* means under the hood?
 > It's really no better than running strip_tags. And we know that we
 > shouldn't be running strip_tags, right?

For this use case, yes we should.
Consider the secretary updating their company website.  They have been 
told that they need some landing page to say "Welcome <name>" at the top.

The pages are mostly html with a bit of PHP here and there.  So they go 
to an online tutorial, go through steps 1-4 where they learn about 
"hello world" which is a simple little tutorial of
$name = $_GET['name'];
echo "Hello $name";

Well, that's good enough for their needs.  A small tweak and now they 
have the page and the company sends out e-mail to their clients and all 
they have to do is add ?name=XXX on the e-mail.

They ALSO have a horrible cross site scripting issue where someone else 
can craft custom links to their website and insert any html and 
javascript they want to.

Strip tags is the correct solution for 90% of introductory coding. It 
sanitizes the input from a bunch of common exploits.   On the downside, 
it removes all text from within angle brackets - but 95% of all minor 
uses of PHP it means everything just works.

 > And that's why a solution like you're proposing is bad. It conflates
 > filtering with escaping. And that's **always** a bad thing.

Nope, all solutions are based on what is simplest, what performs best, 
what is most comprehensive, and what is most appropriate.

My solution maximizes simplest - because that is the most important 
thing for beginning programmers. And deals with what is most appropriate 
for new programmers.

When people are learning, they put the code up on whatever 'temporary' 
web space they have at hand.  Whether that is a godaddy site they just 
setup, a subdirectory on an active website someone has given them, on 
virtual systems running as subdomains for a university [which means that they can set cookie 
information for the entire domain]

And when their done, they forget about it and leave it running - 
publicly accessible and exploitable.

That harms everyone on the internet - because those exploitable bits of 
code are used as launching points for denial of service attacks, 
controlling e-mail spam botnets, and many more.

Furthermore, unlike most solutions out there, using an anonmous function 
tied to a variable means that as programmer learns, they can grow and 
make it better.

Eventually, they will get to the point where they learn about including 
files and maintaining common code.  So then, instead of sticking 4 lines 
of code at the top of every php file, they can move it all to a file of 
common declarations.

Then they will learn about better ways of filtering data, so instead of 
going through every piece of legacy code that they have, they can 
instead change it in one place.

$get = function($varName, $filter = 'string') {

$var = filter_input(INPUT_GET, $varName, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW);
return \Filterus\filter($var, $filter);

If instead they started with using a specific filter library and then 
discover that the library is no longer supported, then they have to go 
throughout ALL their code where they called
$var = \Filterus\filter($var, $filter);

And change every single instance.... of course, this assumes that they 
had the patience to wait until they reached the course section on 
filtering data.

And for the professional PHP developers, promoting these simple 4 lines 
has an added benefit.  When the small business grows and reaches the 
point of needing to hire a professional - when the professional opens 
that code up in their IDE they can easily find every instance of problem 
code - since it is all flagged with the \\FIXME:  tag which every IDE I 
know of automatically will parse and display a list of ever single 
instance of those tags[in PHPStorm it's View-->Tools-->ToDo]

I'm certainly open to alternatives that actually address the problem: 
novice programmers writing insecure code. as it is written right now is not 
it.  Looking at that page, you have to go all the way to the bottom to 
get something a novice programmer might be able to use - and even there 
what is written is not of any real use.  But then, I assume that you 
didn't write it for the novice programmer, so I don't see a problem with 
it.  Just re-iterating that it doesn't address the same issues my 
solution does.

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