[nycphp-talk] Promote Secure Coding

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu May 22 16:21:02 EDT 2014

On 05/22/2014 11:35 AM, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
> Gary,
>> Consider the secretary updating their company website.  They have been told
>> that they need some landing page to say "Welcome <name>" at the top.
>> The pages are mostly html with a bit of PHP here and there.  So they go to
>> an online tutorial, go through steps 1-4 where they learn about "hello
>> world" which is a simple little tutorial of
>> $name = $_GET['name'];
>> echo "Hello $name";
> Who said to `echo "Hello $name"`? I sure didn't.

That was stated in my original post.  I thought I was quite clear that 
this method was for a specific class of users and I gave the example.

This is the common instructional pattern for teaching others PHP. They 
almost all start with "Hello World" and follow it with "Hello $name" 
where $name directly from $_GET['name']

That's why I made an effort to avoid using the pronoun "you" when 
discussing using this method.   IE I did not say "you" should use this 
method meaning Anthony...  nor did I say "you" to refer suggesting 
people on this e-mail list should use this method.

The only time I deliberately use the word "you" is in the actual text of 
my proposed "before you begin learning PHP programming" because there 
the pronoun you refers directly to the individual who doesn't know PHP 
at all yet.

Not bothering to address the rest of your comments since they seem to be 
based on a misunderstanding.

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