[zendframework] Is ZF becoming too insanely complicated?

Michael Hernandez mhernandez at
Fri May 15 12:31:00 EDT 2009

On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 12:17 -0400, David Mintz wrote:
> Points well taken. I figured out about the autoloader on Day One with
> 1.8, that's not too big a deal. 
> As for the rest, yes -- I think I am a little prone to thinking
> there's an obligation to master all the latest bells and whistles and
> shoehorn them in whether I need them or not. Psychotherapy, anyone?
> Seriously, though, the power of all that Bootstrap stuff is seductive.
> The use of _initFoo in the bootstrap class that automagically stores
> the resource in the bootstrap, that's just too cool. But do you really
> need it, if you were happily storing globally-necessary things in
> Zend_Registry until now w/ no problems? Especially considering that
> internally that's just what the bootstrap thingy is doing, according
> to the docs.

Trust me, whenever I open up the Zend Framework manual there's a part of
me that wants to make my application interface with every component in
the sidebar haha. Hmm maybe I could make this interact with Twitter? Oh
I bet the users would love to see a Zend_ProgressBar while I generated a
Zend_Pdf of their profile (that there is absolutely no use for
whatsoever) ... oh wait maybe I can add a Zend_Amf component and make my
app into some kind of crazy Adobe Air thing? Ohhhh I know! I can find a
reason to use Zend_Service_Flickr! oh yeah that would be great!

Then I wake up. :)

--Mike H

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