[zendframework] Ideas for Zend Framework Meeting Topics

Shari Halter sh370 at
Wed Sep 23 09:24:16 EDT 2009

Hi All Zend Frameworkers!

Well, we had a good, if quick, question-rounding-up meeting last  
night. Below are a few of the topics that the members would like to  
see covered. If you have an additional topic/topics you would like to  
discuss, please respond to this email and add in your ideas/requests!

******* Possible Topics for Upcoming Meetings********

Tutorials/Beginner pointers (e.g basic bootstrapping, what is a "real"  
QuickStart?, or bare bones Framework, without modules)

Integration with other helpers, e.g., Smarty for page templates  
(pagination), or the Navigation Module for Site Maps, or just  
generally, how one can hook in other resources, like Doctrine  
(database ORM) into the framework.

Useful Modules, like AMF, Google Data, etc. Perhaps members who have  
used a good module can talk about it and share their experiences.
[data generator, for scaffolding]


Zend Form

Managing Database through Zend


Shari Halter
Assistant Director Web Communications
Tisch School of the Arts
New York University
665 Broadway, 645
tel:  212.998.1819
email: sh370 at

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