PHP Community Mailing Lists

NYPHP has moved it's discussions to
the NYC PHP meetup.

Old archives are still available below.

As New York is an international city, New York PHP is an international community, and with the Internet spanning continents, so too does NYPHP. Regardless of your geographic location, you're encouraged to join NYPHP and get involved.

Simply subscribe to a PHP mailing list and you're a welcomed NYPHP member. Browse our real-time archives, actively participate in discussions, or get involved with NYPHP's projects, partnerships and development in a highly energetic and cooperative community. And if you're in the New York area, please join us for free and open meetings and events.

IMPORTANT: These lists are for discussion only - do not use them as your own announcement list for your event. Contact us and we can add you to our calendar and make an announcement to reach our broader community.

Available Mailing Lists

New York PHP is proud to host some of the most popular and well-received mailing lists for the PHP and AMP Technology communities. With thousands of members and growing rapidly, we provide a uniquely focused resource for getting help with technical issues, staying on top of current news, events and alerts, and interacting with the community at large, regardless of where you call home. Four public lists are currently hosted:

  • NYPHP-Announce - Archives
    Our low traffic, moderated list, including news, events, special opportunities, and meeting announcements. This is the ideal way to stay abreast of the international AMP Technology community.
  • NYPHP-Talk - Archives
    Regarded as one of the top discussion and support lists in the PHP community, a wide range of topics are covered. From development with Apache to IIS and Access to Oracle, join for technical and community discussion and support.
  • NYPHP-Jobs - Archives
    The list for AMP Technology and IT job opportunities. Join to stay abreast of top job offerings and to discuss the job market, or post your open positions, resumes and networking events.

Through feedback from our community, New York PHP creates special interest groups (SIG) to harbor new discussion and technical know-how. The following SIGs are currently hosted:
[new SIG idea?]