php meetup

Special Event: Zend's PHP and Framework

Enterprise 2.0 PHP Frameworks and Zend's PHP Stack

September 12th, 2007

In this special event, we're pleased to host Mark de Visser and Matthew Weier O'Phinney as they dive into Zend's enterprise PHP offerings and up-and-coming framework.

NOTE: This meeting isn't a general meeting at IBM. It occurs September 12th, at 6:30pm, in the lounge area of the Suspenders Bar and Grill. No RSVP is required.

Building the PHP-stack for the enterprise
PHP has become ubiquitous when it comes to personal blogs, content management systems, ecommerce sites and more. Take any list of Web 2.0 sites and you'll find that more than 50% have PHP as back-end technology. What is less known is that PHP is also making significant inroads in the enterprise. In his presentation Mark de Visser will cover case studies of that trend, and will discuss what drives the adoption and what still needs to be accomplished. He will cover the role of Zend and other commercial vendors in the PHP ecosystem, and will present a roadmap for the coming year of Zend's main PHP products and services.

Zend Framework Overview
Zend Framework provides a high-quality open-source framework for developing Web Applications and Web Services. By following the PHP spirit, the Zend Framework delivers easy-to-use and powerful functionality, focusing on the challenges of building robust, secure and modern Web applications. In this overview, Matthew will detail Zend Framework goals and principles, as well as several popular components.

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