php meetup

Sun & MySQL: A New Hope for LAMP and PHP

Sun shines on LAMP with MySQL and PHP

March 25th, 2008

New York PHP Community is pleased to get the inside scope on the intriguing purchase of MySQL by Sun Microsystems.

Sun & MySQL: A New Hope

Join Philip Antoniades, Systems Engineering Manager, NA, as he walks us through MySQL's roadmap and the latest developments. Philip has been with MySQL since 2003 as a Consultant and Pre-Sales Engineer, and now heads up Systems Engineering for North America. Prior to joining MySQL Philip was a C++ and Java Developer.

Join Sun, MySQL, Philip and New York PHP at our March general meeting for the latest developments on this important relationship.

Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP users community meetings are always free and open to the public.


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