php meetup

PHP Programming Language for Beginners

An Introduction Tutorial to PHP, Presented to

April 9th, 2003


We are pleased to announce that this coming Wednesday, April 9, 2003 our GNUbies meeting will be an Introduction to PHP by Daniel Kushner. Some of you may have been expecting it to be on Sendmail & mail again, but we can have that meeting at a later date. Some people interested in Sendmail won't be able to come this month and others have expressed interest in having a PHP meeting at this time. Also it is particularly good timing for a talk on PHP at this time since there will be some interesting PHP related events in the New York area late this month. And, of course, we are fortunate that Daniel Kushner is available to give an Introduction to PHP for Gnubies at this time.

Daniel Kushner of NYPHP gives a presentation on the fundamentals of PHP for people new to it. Daniel discusses the history of PHP. He shows how PHP works in the Apache\MySQL\PHP environment, and explains the client-server relationship. Daniel also discusses the basics of PHP programming such as basic syntax, types, variables, constants and control structures. This gives the newbie the fundamentals to start programming.

Daniel Kushner has been working for over five years with PHP. While working at Zend Technologies, Daniel led the PHP Team, building a corporate E-Commerce solution and complete CRM that would assist Zend in delivering its integrated software solutions to PHP developers globally.

Upon the completion of his B.Sc. at the Interdisciplinary Center Hertzlia Israel, Daniel moved to New York and brought with him vast knowledge of a winning combination - PHP and Computer Science.

In 2002, Daniel joined Hans Zaunere, the founder of New York PHP, and became the groups Vice President. New York PHP is a professional group dedicated to the development and support of PHP and AMP Technology.

As well as devoting much of his time to this group, Daniel functions as the Senior Software Engineer at Oddcast Technologies, bringing Open Source technology to the corporate environment.

Of course, as always, the meeting is free and open to the public. We are grateful to IBM for providing us with the space for our meetings. In order to hold meetings at IBM it is necessary to follow their security procedures.

As always, the most up-to-date information can be found at our website at


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