php meetup

Mobile Data: How to Avoid the Latency Trap When Using Web Services

Optimizing Performance and Minimizing Latency for Mobile PHP Usability

October 8th, 2009

As a pre-cursor to the Yahoo! Open Hack Day, we're pleased to have a special presentation from YDN Senior Developer, Tom Hughes-Croucher.

NOTE: RSVP is not required but please arrive early to reserve a seat.

Why is mobile different to desktop? When it comes to data there are lots of difference such as processing and most importantly data transmission. Our goal as developers should always be to make the fastest apps possible, however mobile adds a lot of constraints to the platforms we are used to developing for on the desktop. This talk will focus how you can avoid the problems that network latency creates by being smart with your server implementation.

Tom Hughes-Croucher is an Evangelist and Senior Developer in Yahoo's Open Strategy Group, focusing on Yahoos Web Services and Cloud Platform. Tom has contributed to a number of Web standards for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the British Standards Institute (BSI). Previously he helped build the online music stores for some of the UK's largest brands including Tesco, Three Telecom and Channel 4.


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