php meetup

Zend/PHP Conference 2010 Recap

Highlights, discussion, and notables from the Zend PHP Conference

November 23rd, 2010

PHP is built to voyage to the uncharted territories of the Internet. Yet failure to correctly navigate the latest trends, techniques and talk, can send development adrift with a wayward strategy and loss of direction.

This past month, NYPHP pioneers Alan Seiden and Neveo Harrison made the westward pilgrimage to the Zend/PHP Conference & Expo, an outpost on the frontier of internet development, bringing back with them tales of untold fortune.

This November, NYPHP hosts an open discussion on what was discovered - and undiscovered - with Alan and Neveo leading us through the unexplored worlds of internet application development.

And for this, we give thanks.

IMPORTANT: This month's meeting is not at IBM. Normal RSVP procedures still apply.


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