php meetup

Keeping Your Feet on the Ground with PHP in the Cloud

A developer's introduction to cloud hosting for PHP LAMP PHP development.

January 24th, 2012

Welcome to the future! Time marches on and with it the trends and concepts in technology follow. While in 1912 we'd discuss exciting new developments in metallurgy, the Titantic and vitamins, in 2012, innovation is a bit loftier.

NOTE: Location change.

Originally over-hyped, subsequently confused, and still misunderstood, cloud computing is evolving and it's footprint on web development has become real.

After a relaxing - and somewhat extended - holiday, NYPHP is right back in action with January and February meetings that will bring the next generation of hosting down to earth for PHP developers.

This January, join New York PHP Founder Hans Zaunere as he takes a real-world look at cloud computing, and what it means for web development.

Then in February, join Justin DeMaris for a detailed look at the cloud's heart - virtualization - and it's impact on web applications.

Keeping Your Feet on the Ground with PHP in the Cloud

The cloud meme has taken the Internet by storm, often synonymous with modern Internet development, and promises solutions to old problems that are better, faster and cheaper. As a result, it's become a buzzword for many non-developers, and a prerequisite for the right approach to web applications - even with little to no actual understanding of the technology.

But as developers, we come face-to-face with the technology and it's technical minutia. We need to understand the nuts-and-bolts that's behind the marketing so that we can accurately assess, recommend and deploy applications.

In this slide-led open discussion, New York PHP Founder Hans Zaunere clears the air around the cloud with a technical-no-fluff look at terminology, available offerings, what this new hosting paradigm means for developing PHP applications - and most importantly - the actual technology in use and the challenges it can solve - and introduce.

Developers and non-developers will find in this talk:

  • What is the cloud? The utility concept and how it's different from baremetal hosting.
  • Why the Cloud? Doesn't hosting work well already?
  • Types of cloud - what the word means in different circles.
  • Rough air? A walk in the clouds - with a parachute.
  • Open discussion and Q&A.


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