php meetup

Zeev Suraski: Open Q&A Session and Enterprise PHP Solutions

April 22nd, 2003

New York PHP is delighted to host Zeev Suraski, Co-founder and CTO Zend Technologies, at a very special April meeting. An avid software architect, Zeev co-authors PHP's driving force, the Zend Engine, and contributes many of the vital APIs that makes the language what it is today. Through the Open Source development model, Zeev contributes key extensions to the PHP Group and community. Few know PHP like Zeev, on both technical and operational fronts.

Join New York PHP this month as Zeev sits down with us for an open Q&A session and walks us through Zend's PHP enterprise offerings. If you've ever asked "Can PHP do that?", "Is PHP ready?" or "What's next?" you'll want to join us this month, for definitive answers from PHP central developer and architect, Zeev Suraski.


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