php meetup

Rapid MySQL, PHP and Apache Certification

Talk to the web. Speak PHP.

December 9th, 2003

Rapid application development is critical to success, and rapid knowledge transfer is critical to successful development. With New York PHP's Rapid AMP Technology Certification program, developers can be training in the morning and applying their skills the same day. Ramp-up your development productivity and get AMP Technology working for you.

Taught by recognized experts in their fields and backed by New York PHP, every session focuses on leveraging existing skills and addressing problem areas within your AMP Technology deployment. Learn from the experts how to conquer real-world challenges developers face everyday. In just three hours participants will gain a clear understanding of topics they choose. No wasted time learning old techniques; RAMP means acute, on-demand knowledge transfer for your crucial areas of development.

These hands-on sessions are intensive and fast paced, suited for the professional developer. Given in conveniently located Manhattan technology training centers, it's a snap to register and attend. Classes are kept small, so reserve your seat today.

See PHP, Apache and MySQL training course details for available topics and schedule.


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