php meetup

Community Site Showcase Part II

December 23rd, 2003

Wouldn't it be interesting to see what your fellow PHP developers are working on? Join us again this month for a look at our community's sites.

At this month's General Meeting, we have three PHP driven sites from the NYPHP community. Each developer highlights the interesting points in development, challenges they've faced, and how they made it happen with PHP.

    Charlie Wang shows his site's key features, and why PHP was choosen to tackle the task. Then Charlie steps behind the scenes to discuss web architecture considerations and the code that makes it happen.

    Join Jayesh Sheth as he demonstrates his own AMP powered Rilke CMS. Jayesh then shows it in action behind a restaurant and entertainment directory for businesses in the Bay Ridge area.

    Sites need to develop over time, and Ken Robinson shows he's tackled browser incompatibilities by using CSS, Javascript and PHP. Watch as Ken demonstrates client-side menus with a splash of PHP, and AMP driven calendars, sub-domain hosting and searching.

As always this meeting is free and open to the public.


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