php meetup

Skinable and Portable Desktop Applications with PHP and GTK - The PHP Jobs Market

PHP Desktop Development and Careers

September 28th, 2004

New York PHP kicks off a full fall meeting schedule with a look at PHP-GTK by New York PHPer and active developer Joel De Gan. Then, join special guest Daniel Kushner of Zend for a look at the PHP job market. Join us in September at our IBM location and learn about PHP on the desktop with the revitalized GTK extension and PHP's role in today's marketplace.

Skinable and Portable Desktop Applications with PHP-GTK

Take PHP-GTK to the bleeding edge by creating functions and using existing ones to generate applications that are skinnable and dynamic.

Joel will also be taking skinning and the PHP-GTK to it's limit by
showing a new skeleton engine for building dynamic maps for games in
PHP-GTK using sprites.

The PHP Job Market

Zend's Daniel Kushner explores the ins and outs of businesses that rely on PHP technology. Daniel will discuss the current status of the market, its size, the large players who use PHP, who is hiring, who is developing and who is making sure that PHP becomes the enterprise development and deployment platform of choice.

Join Joel, Daniel and New York PHP to see some exciting new code and techniques with PHP-GTK, and insights into the PHP job market. Platinum sponsor IBM has provided a great room with seating for plenty.

APress, our latest sponsor, has provided a great selection of books for meeting attendees. Come prepared with a business card to enter the raffle.

Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th [ map ]

Join us after the meeting for good food and discussion!


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