php meetup

NY Technical Community Holiday Event

New York Technology Community Holiday Party

December 15th, 2004

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New York PHP and the New York City *BSD User Group are proud to announce the first annual New York Technical Community Holiday Party.

Learn More about the NY technology community

Keep the evening of Wednesday, December 15th, 2004 open for the first holiday party to embrace and network the entire New York technical community.

This is not a PHP or BSD only event, and will include participants from many technology sectors, including Java, Linux, Perl, and .NET. We're working hard to make this event embrace all technologies - not only open source - and our goal is to combine free and commercial software in one professional networking event.

Flagship sponsors New York PHP and NYC*BUG are bringing together hundreds of technical professionals from the New York metropolitan area for the New York Technical Community Holiday Party. By uniting diverse skills and interests, open source professionals, IT managers, and top authors and speakers, this event begins a new era in technical, business, and social networking.

Participants from large corporations, small businesses, universities, non-profits, and user groups are all invited to attend and bring significant others, co-workers, and friends to this unique event.

Get a chance to connect with colleagues and share experiences with others from your industry. Publishers, leading hardware / software vendors, and local businesses and organizations will be there, providing giveaways, presentations, and meetings. Enjoy a free night of presentations from top authors and speakers, talking with vendors, and networking in a relaxed social environment with food and drink.

Bring your business cards to exchange and for raffle opportunities.

Business casual attire is required.


Don't miss the opportunity to reach hundreds of IT professionals in the New York technical community.


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