php meetup

PHP Community Holiday Party

New York PHP Holiday Party

December 27th, 2005

First, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and New Year. And a thank you for once again making New York PHP one of the strongest open source communities in the world. This has been a huge year for PHP, due in no small part to the enthusiasm and support from you, the New York PHP Community.

Instead of our monthly meeting in December, we will be gathering at the same time and date at the A&M Roadhouse in Tribeca. Join us at 6:30pm on December 27th, 2005 for an informal gathering of holiday cheer, regardless of the MTA/TWU strike status. There is no need to RSVP.

We will be having another large party, bigger than last year's New York Technical Community Holiday Party and in cooperation with other groups, in the New Year.

Our regular monthly meetings will resume in January, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our Principals, speakers, and IBM for continually providing great meetings and presentations. Plus, stay tuned for a groundbreaking event coming in June.

I look forward to seeing everyone this Tuesday.

Hans Zaunere
President & Founder, New York PHP


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