php meetup

PHP Security and Web Attacks and How They Are Stopped By dotDefender

PHP Online Presentation

March 21st, 2006

New York PHP is often approached by business and communities alike from around the world for a chance to present to our group. Unfortunately, distance can sometimes be a problem. We're now proud to give the opportunity to developers, vendors and community members the chance to demo and present online to New York PHP.

Our first online presentation will be from Applicure. Founder and CTO David Allouch will present "Web Attacks and How They Are Stopped By dotDefender."

The presentation will be via web-based VNC (Java required). The password and a reminder will be sent to the PHP Mailing List 15 minutes before the start time of 10:00am EST.

We invite all to attend, and look forward to producing these types of events in the future. And we encourage everyone to submit a presentation or topic that they'd like to present on, or have discussed.


View all PHP presentations.

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