php meetup

Presenting... the New Joomla! 1.5 PHP CMS

The CMS Joomla Formerly Known as Mambo

July 25th, 2006

More than just a name, Joomla! is the PHP CMS formerly known as Mambo, which continues to be a powerful and actively supported open source project.

Let Joomla! core developer (and NYPHP stalwart) Mitch Pirtle introduce you to the new features and capabilities introduced in this release, which includes a complete refactoring of the core systems. Joomla! has evolved into a rich framework that facilitates rapid, feature-full development with a flexible and powerful API suited specifically for third party developers.

Learn about how the new system was designed, by both hearing anecdotes and seeing examples provided by Mitch as he shows us the new API. He will walk us through implementations of third party applications that provide case studies on how to develop to the new API, providing examples of developers leveraging the latest features and additions to the core.

Thanks to IBM for providing a great presentation space with seating for plenty.

As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public.



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