[nycphp-announce] November's Meeting - Show off your site

Hans Zaunere noreply at
Tue Nov 11 17:26:49 EST 2003

Hi all,

For the November meeting we're looking to showcase sites from the NYPHP community, and I'm looking for volunteers who'd like to show off a site they've been involved with.  If you have an interesting, fairly unique, or success story that involves AMP Technology, please contact me at noreply at  We plan on having 3-4 sites demonstrated at November's meeting and this is a great chance to show your or your company's handy work.  Presentations are expected to be kept fairly short (15 minutes) and will be informal.  Even if it's just a fun site, we'd love to hear about it!

Thank you,

Hans Zaunere
President, New York PHP
noreply at

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