[nycphp-announce] PHundamentals Topic #4 - php.ini settings on NYPHP Talk

Michael Southwell southwell at
Wed Nov 12 15:36:27 EST 2003

PHundamentals topic #4 - php.ini settings is up for discussion on NYPHP's 
Talk mailing list.

If you are already a member of Talk, you will have seen it already, and you 
can stop reading now.

If you are not a member of Talk but would like to participate, you may sign 
up at . Do not even attempt to discuss it on the 
Announce list; your message will just go into a black hole.  For reference, 
here is the notice:
Settings in the php.ini file have an important
effect on the operation, security and reliability of your application.
For example, setting register_globals to a value of "on" makes it easier to
pass variables from one script to another, but opens serious security
vulnerabilities--so best practice is always to set it "off."

What settings do you consider essential?  How should they be set, and why?

In next month's PHundamentals, we'll discuss how to manage these settings 
most effectively.

Jeff Siegel and Mike Southwell
The PHundamentals Team

Michael G. Southwell =================================
DNEBA Enterprises
81 South Road
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1419
973/492-7873 (voice and fax)
southwell at

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