[nycphp-announce] next at nyphp: Tidy Extension for PHP5 at April Meeting

Chris Hendry noreply at
Tue Apr 12 15:22:08 EDT 2005

New York PHP April Meeting 
        When: April 26th, 2005 at 6:30pm *sharp* 
       Where: 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th floor) 
Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th 
You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you will attend and must RSVP
for every meeting. 
This means you likely need to RSVP!  Please to
check your RSVP status.  If there are any questions, contact us at
New York PHP's own John Coggeshall, Technical Consultant for Zend
Technologies, will be presenting on his Tidy extension. This talk will focus
on introducing the new Tidy extension for PHP5 and how it can be used to
make working with and generating properly-formed HTML in a fast and
effective manner. Specifically this session will focus on:
* How to use Tidy to diagnose existing HTML for errors
* Using Tidy to clean and repair HTML documents
* An overview of the most useful Tidy options
* Using the Tidy OO interface to navigate the HTML doc tree
* Examples of how to navigate HTML effectively using Tidy
With the introduction of the Tidy extension, users will no longer need to
rely on messy regular expressions to mine data such as URLs, e-mail
addresses, or entire tables from HTML documents. Furthermore, thanks to the
diagnosing technologies provided by Tidy HTML documents can be diagnosed and
even corrected on the fly to ensure complete HTML or XHTML compliance before
being sent to the end user. This talk assumes users are familiar with basic
PHP object-oriented and procedural constructs.
Thanks to Dan Krook and Platinum sponsor IBM for providing a great
presentation space with seating for plenty. 
As a service to our community, New York PHP meetings are always free and
open to the public. 
Come prepared with a business card to enter book raffles. 
        When: April 26th, 2005 at 6:30pm *sharp* 
       Where: 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th floor) 
Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th 
Join us after the meeting for good food and discussion! 

New York PHP Education Department Offers New Training Programs 
Questions or to Learn More, Contact Us. 
In response to student demand, New York PHP offers two training tracks,
Designer and Programmer. 
Programmer Track: 16-17 May, taught by Jeff Siegel
Designer Track:  27-28 June, taught by Michael Southwell
Details and Sign-Up:  Seats are limited. 
New York PHP <>  
AMP Technology 
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP 
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