[nycphp-jobs] Great job at layed back company

John Coggeshall john at
Wed Aug 25 23:26:21 EDT 2004

Hey all!

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know my company Community
Connect, Inc. is looking for some solid PHP developers! If you consider
yourself a qualified PHP developer (being Zend Certified is a def. plus
to prove that) with MySQL and Oracle experience then I strongly
encourage you to drop me an e-mail with a copy of your resume! 

As for the company, we are a great 100 person firm responsible for the
biggest and best ethnic communities on the Internet such as The culture is very laid back (as any good
development group should be) so don't worry about getting bogged down
with suits and such. Other than that, working for CCI is a great place
to teach, learn, and actually have a good time while making a very
respectable salary.

If you're interested, please feel free to email me
jcoggeshall at with your resume.


John Coggeshall

John Coggeshall         
The PHP Developer's Handbook

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